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Damage to Property - In the unlikely event that our crews damage your property in any way, please contact us immediately so we can make timely, professional repairs. In most cases in the past, any damage has been minor. Broken sprinkler heads are the most common damage because they are often difficult or impossible to see in the grass. We will fix them if we break them, but if you are continually having problems with them getting hit, they are probably wearing out and sticking in the up position after watering or they aren’t set at the right height. If this is the case, please call a sprinkler company out to check your system – if the sprinkler heads are working properly and are set at the proper height, they won’t be damaged by our equipment.

**Please note - we will not be held responsible for charges for repairs to damaged property that we were not made aware of in advance of the repair being made, so please be sure to contact us first if you believe we were responsible for any damage. If we cannot make the repair ourselves, we will hire someone who is qualified to do so.

Rain Delays - If it rains on your scheduled mowing day, you can expect us later in the day if the rain lets up or the next day if it rains throughout the day. Our crews may mow while the lawn is still wet, so please notify our office by 6 A.M. the day of your scheduled service if you want to re-schedule or skip your service due to the rain. We will not be able to execute any changes received after this time.

**Please note - if you lock your gates and you do not have a combination lock, please leave the gates unlocked even if it is raining in the morning since we might be able to mow later in the day.

Yard Debris - Please pick up all yard debris such as toys, dog bones, large rocks, etc., the day before we mow as these types of objects can be very hazardous to our workers and others if hit by a lawn mower and can cause serious damage to your property and our equipment.

Watering – For best results, please do not water your lawn the night before or the morning of the day we are scheduled to service your lawn.
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